Bollywood actor Prateik Babbar is going to tie the knot with BSP leader Pawan Sagar’s daughter Sanya Sagar today in Lucknow and pictures from the haldi and mehendi ceremony are doing all the round on net. The two-day wedding ceremony will take place in Lucknow on Januray 22-23. Pictures from the pre-wedding festivities showed Prateil wearing kurta pyjama and Sanya wearing a yellow long frock enjoying the day.
Prateik, son of Raj Babbar and late actress Smita Patel got engaged to his girlfriend Sanya Sagar last year on January 22. The actor announced the news of his engagement with a lovely picture. Along with the photo, he wrote, ''#monday.. "holy snappp!.. that just happened''.
According to sources, BSP chief Mayawati, SP president Akhilesh Yadav, chief ministers of Congress-ruled states — Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chattishgarh, that of Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu, senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad and other senior leaders of various political parties are likely to attend the ceremony to be held in a hotel.
Congress president Rahul Gandhi, who is one a two-days visit to his constituency Amethi is likely to attend the wedding. The wedding will be followed by a grand reception in Mumbai for Prateik’s Mumbai friends.
Sanya Sagar is a graduate from National Institute of Fashion Technology in fashion communication and has practical filmmaking from the London film academy.
Earlier, in an interview to a publication Prateik has spoken about his engagement, saying that he is grateful to God for all that is happening in his life. He said that Sanya is the best partner he could have asked for. "Sanya and I, along with our families, decided that something as pure as love should be solemnised on an auspicious day and what better day than Basant Panchami. She’s the best partner I could have asked for. It didn’t take me long to figure out that she was the one for me. I know it sounds clichéd, but I can’t stop counting my blessings and thanking God for all the good that is happening in my life,'' he was quoted saying.
Congratulations to Prateil and Sanya!
Prateik, son of Raj Babbar and late actress Smita Patel got engaged to his girlfriend Sanya Sagar last year on January 22. The actor announced the news of his engagement with a lovely picture. Along with the photo, he wrote, ''#monday.. "holy snappp!.. that just happened''.
According to sources, BSP chief Mayawati, SP president Akhilesh Yadav, chief ministers of Congress-ruled states — Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chattishgarh, that of Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu, senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad and other senior leaders of various political parties are likely to attend the ceremony to be held in a hotel.
Congress president Rahul Gandhi, who is one a two-days visit to his constituency Amethi is likely to attend the wedding. The wedding will be followed by a grand reception in Mumbai for Prateik’s Mumbai friends.
Sanya Sagar is a graduate from National Institute of Fashion Technology in fashion communication and has practical filmmaking from the London film academy.
Earlier, in an interview to a publication Prateik has spoken about his engagement, saying that he is grateful to God for all that is happening in his life. He said that Sanya is the best partner he could have asked for. "Sanya and I, along with our families, decided that something as pure as love should be solemnised on an auspicious day and what better day than Basant Panchami. She’s the best partner I could have asked for. It didn’t take me long to figure out that she was the one for me. I know it sounds clichéd, but I can’t stop counting my blessings and thanking God for all the good that is happening in my life,'' he was quoted saying.
Congratulations to Prateil and Sanya!
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