As promised the trailer of ‘Luka Chuppi’ starring Kriti Sanon and Kartik Aaryan for the first time was unveiled today and it showed Kartik and Kriti engaged in an interesting live-in drama. The trailer opened with Kartik’s monologue saying, “Haan bhaiya, shaadiyon ka season chal raha hai, jaise abhi Anushka-Virat ki hogayi, Deepika-Ranveer ki hogayi, yahan tak ki Priyanka aur Nick ki bhi hogayi, toh maine socha main bhi kar leta hun.”
The next scene shows Kartik Aaryan proposing marriage to Kriti with a ring but the latter preferred for a live-in relationship. With their decision of living together, the couple invited loads of problem.
While Kartik is a star reporter of a local TV channel, Kriti is a Mathura-based girl who returned to her hometown after studying in Delhi. The film has many funny incidents and it promises high dose of entertainment.
Apart from Kartik amd Kriti, the rom-com also features Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurrana and Vinay Pathak in the pivotal role.
‘Luka Chuppi’ helmed by Laxman Utekar is a rom-com and it has been produced by Dinesh Vijan's Maddock Films. The film went on floors in August last year and it has broadly been shot in Mathura and Gwalior. Kartik Aaryan plays a TV reporter in the film. It is learnt that Kartik and Kriti played a married couple. The movie is slated to release on March 1, 2019.
The next scene shows Kartik Aaryan proposing marriage to Kriti with a ring but the latter preferred for a live-in relationship. With their decision of living together, the couple invited loads of problem.
While Kartik is a star reporter of a local TV channel, Kriti is a Mathura-based girl who returned to her hometown after studying in Delhi. The film has many funny incidents and it promises high dose of entertainment.
Apart from Kartik amd Kriti, the rom-com also features Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurrana and Vinay Pathak in the pivotal role.
‘Luka Chuppi’ helmed by Laxman Utekar is a rom-com and it has been produced by Dinesh Vijan's Maddock Films. The film went on floors in August last year and it has broadly been shot in Mathura and Gwalior. Kartik Aaryan plays a TV reporter in the film. It is learnt that Kartik and Kriti played a married couple. The movie is slated to release on March 1, 2019.
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