Hardik Pandya's misogynistic comments on Karan Johar's chat show created a stir across the country. Pandya and KL Rahul received severe backlash from the people because of their sexist comments. To be specific, it was Pandya, who made a lot of noise. After reviewing his own episode, the cricketer realized his mistakes and apologised on Twitter. But, the damage was already done. Elli Avram, who is said to have dated Hardik in the past, has now come out in open and criticised him too. Recently, during an award function, when Elli was asked to comment on Hardik's fiasco, the actress stated that she saw few clips and felt very sad.
Elli went on to say that, "I got a little bit surprised because that's not really the Hardik Pandya I personally once used to know! I think it's great that people are reacting and putting their foot down on this kind of behaviour because it's about time we all realize that this kind of mentality is not cool. Neither is it something to brag about." Honestly, we feel it is good that Elli took a strong stand instead of defending the cricketer since he is her friend. Because the things that Hardik said on the show were clearly below the belt.
Not only Elli but Esha Gupta, who was also reportedly dating the cricketer,slammed Hardik Pandya for his remarks. Though, Esha denied being friends with Pandya, she criticised his comments strongly and told DNA, "Firstly, women should not compare themselves with men. We are the best in every respect. I don’t want anyone to feel bad, but why don’t you give birth to a child? We suffer from periods five days every month and even then we have to dance, go to an office, and take care of the children. When you can do all this, you become superior, adding, I do not think anyone should talk bad about any woman, if you think your family is not worried about it, then be it, but it is wrong on Humanity."
Source: https://www.bollywoodlife.com
Elli went on to say that, "I got a little bit surprised because that's not really the Hardik Pandya I personally once used to know! I think it's great that people are reacting and putting their foot down on this kind of behaviour because it's about time we all realize that this kind of mentality is not cool. Neither is it something to brag about." Honestly, we feel it is good that Elli took a strong stand instead of defending the cricketer since he is her friend. Because the things that Hardik said on the show were clearly below the belt.
Not only Elli but Esha Gupta, who was also reportedly dating the cricketer,slammed Hardik Pandya for his remarks. Though, Esha denied being friends with Pandya, she criticised his comments strongly and told DNA, "Firstly, women should not compare themselves with men. We are the best in every respect. I don’t want anyone to feel bad, but why don’t you give birth to a child? We suffer from periods five days every month and even then we have to dance, go to an office, and take care of the children. When you can do all this, you become superior, adding, I do not think anyone should talk bad about any woman, if you think your family is not worried about it, then be it, but it is wrong on Humanity."
Source: https://www.bollywoodlife.com
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