Hot and sultry Malaika Arora shared a refreshing photo of her on Sunday. The diva looked gorgeous in a yellow noodle strap outfit. She captioned it, 'Happy happy Sunday p.s .... my bff'. What caught the maximum attention and made the Happy Sunday seflie of Malaika more popular is the ‘MA’ pendant that she wore on her neck.
The stunning 'MA' pendant was gifted to her by Vahbiz Mehta and we can come up with two options from it. First, 'MA' stands for her name Malaika Arora and secondly, it stands for Malaika-Arjun.
Malaika and Arjun are going strong for quite sometime and they are spotted together in several occasions. They jointly purchased a house also.
A source informs, “Malaika and Arjun are extremely fond of each other. They have never really spoken about each other but they are extremely happy in their own personal space. In a steady relationship now, Malaika and Arjun plan to take their relationship to next level and tie the knot next year.”
After 18 years of marriage, Malaika Arora and Arbaaz Khan officially divorced last year. During their hard phase, Arjun’s name surfaced but then the actress totally denied his involved in her divorce and stated that she and Arjun are only close friends.
Not only Malaika moved on in life after divorce but Arbaaz Khan has also found love in Italian model Georgia Andriani and the couple is expected to tie the knot this year.
The stunning 'MA' pendant was gifted to her by Vahbiz Mehta and we can come up with two options from it. First, 'MA' stands for her name Malaika Arora and secondly, it stands for Malaika-Arjun.
Malaika and Arjun are going strong for quite sometime and they are spotted together in several occasions. They jointly purchased a house also.
A source informs, “Malaika and Arjun are extremely fond of each other. They have never really spoken about each other but they are extremely happy in their own personal space. In a steady relationship now, Malaika and Arjun plan to take their relationship to next level and tie the knot next year.”
After 18 years of marriage, Malaika Arora and Arbaaz Khan officially divorced last year. During their hard phase, Arjun’s name surfaced but then the actress totally denied his involved in her divorce and stated that she and Arjun are only close friends.
Not only Malaika moved on in life after divorce but Arbaaz Khan has also found love in Italian model Georgia Andriani and the couple is expected to tie the knot this year.
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