The first look of ‘Sooryavanshi’ starring Akshay Kumar in the role of a cop is unveiled. It is a Rohit Shetty’s film and he again continued his ‘Simmba’ formula. In his last outing ‘Simmba’, Ranveer Singh played the role of a police and it was a super duper hit.
In the first look, Akshay is seen in police uniform and in super action mode. Akshay shared the posters on Instagram and captioned them as, “From #RohitShetty’s Police universe, get ready for the fire-packed #Sooryavanshi, releasing on Eid 2020! @itsrohitshetty @karanjohar@reliance.entertainment@rohitshettypicturez @dharmamovies#CapeOfGoodFilms”
Another one read, “A bullet for a bullet! Get ready for #RohitShetty’s #Sooryavanshi on Eid 2020.
Action-packed, masala intact! @itsrohitshetty @karanjohar@reliance.entertainment@rohitshettypicturez @dharmamovies#CapeOfGoodFilms”
Filmmaker Karan Johar captioned the first look of ‘Sooryavanshi’ as # "Eid 2020 will be about a bullet for a bullet. Sooryavanshi stars the Khiladi of all time, Akshay Kumar and directed by the blockbuster machine Rohit Shetty”.
Ajay Devgn, who played police officer in many movies wrote, "A bullet for a bullet... He's not alone..."
The film is slated for 2020 Eid release.
In the first look, Akshay is seen in police uniform and in super action mode. Akshay shared the posters on Instagram and captioned them as, “From #RohitShetty’s Police universe, get ready for the fire-packed #Sooryavanshi, releasing on Eid 2020! @itsrohitshetty @karanjohar@reliance.entertainment@rohitshettypicturez @dharmamovies#CapeOfGoodFilms”
Another one read, “A bullet for a bullet! Get ready for #RohitShetty’s #Sooryavanshi on Eid 2020.
Action-packed, masala intact! @itsrohitshetty @karanjohar@reliance.entertainment@rohitshettypicturez @dharmamovies#CapeOfGoodFilms”
Filmmaker Karan Johar captioned the first look of ‘Sooryavanshi’ as # "Eid 2020 will be about a bullet for a bullet. Sooryavanshi stars the Khiladi of all time, Akshay Kumar and directed by the blockbuster machine Rohit Shetty”.
Ajay Devgn, who played police officer in many movies wrote, "A bullet for a bullet... He's not alone..."
The film is slated for 2020 Eid release.
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